Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas nails!!

I am singing at Swingin' Bella Christmas tomorrow night alongside Casey Bennetto & Mike McLeish (both of Keating fame) and Scott Edgar (Tripod). It is going to be very swinging indeed and filled to the brim with good Christmas cheer & toons...

I am also singing in channel 7's Carols in the Domain on Saturday night which is pretty spesh & posh & glam so I have painted my nails a suitably spech/posh/glam red & silver combo. I have kept it nice and classy and there is not a painted snowman in sight... There is also a silver theme to my Linda Britten dress so I will be up there like a painted, oversized bauble. Huzzah!!

(I will try and get a screen shot of the nails in action if possible... x)